The lazy FullStack Developer

1 min readSep 25, 2020

Today I got an interesting Time-saving Solution for my unique but daily occurring problem while making REST-APIs. The problem I was facing is Creating the back-end APIs while building the front-end app. This Problem Solution now lets me focus on Frontend Rest-APIs only while making the front-end app and I don't need backend APIs to create and check the backend REST-APIs repeatedly while making the changes in frontend. I had two solutions to this problem:

Learning Curve

First: To Switch from the REST-APIs and learn GraphQL

Fastest Method

And Second, the easiest and fastest, which I want to share here right now is to Install package json-server from npm which saves my initial time and effort while building the frontend app.

I am still working on the Authentication Article so stay connected many exciting tips are coming in the future Article. Whoo HoOoo!!

